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Il caporalato nella logistica: uno sguardo al 2024 tra azioni di compliance e prospettive future di legalità
Le nuove Linee Guida ANAC in tema di whistleblowing e le iniziative per una compliance efficace.
Il Modello 231 alla luce delle Linee Guida della FIGC e FIP: Etica e Legalità nel mondo dello Sport.
La riforma dello sport, i nuovi obblighi per le società e associazioni sportive e le linee guida di categoria.
La sicurezza sul lavoro e le domande irrisolte.
Subappalto a favore di società controllata della mandante
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Michelle Lynch
David Reiman
Sheila Warren
Daniel Jensen
James Ahlstrom
Sonia Sotomayor
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“Unfortunately, I have experienced two divorces in my life. Lawfirm Best has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. He is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend him for work!”
Henry Cavil
“Unfortunately, I have experienced two divorces in my life. Lawfirm Best has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. He is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend him for work!”
Amelia Dyer
“Unfortunately, I have experienced two divorces in my life. Lawfirm Best has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. He is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend him for work!”
Daniel Craig
“Unfortunately, I have experienced two divorces in my life. Lawfirm Best has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. He is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend him for work!”
Emma Greed
“Unfortunately, I have experienced two divorces in my life. Lawfirm Best has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. He is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend him for work!”
Martin Bailey
“Unfortunately, I have experienced two divorces in my life. Lawfirm Best has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. He is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend him for work!”